
at our comfy clinic


At Dialyspa, we know that the 12 hours you spend in dialysis each week can be draining, and you might even feel bored or unproductive. We believe that dialysis is about improving the quality of your life, and that includes improving the quality of the time you spend with us. therefore, we’ve designed our dialysis centers with your comfort in mind. Find out more about the Dialyspa difference.

Hemodialysis Pros

  • Medical staff present to monitor sessions and answer questions

  • Opportunity to meet and socialize with other hemodialysis patients

  • Four “off days” from treatment

  • No home-equipment storage required

  • Caregiver assistance not required

Hemodialysis Cons

  • Treatment sessions scheduled with clinic

  • Must travel to clinic for treatment

  • Strictest diet and fluid restrictions

  • May require rest or recovery time after each session

  • May require more medications

Hemodialysis Fistula Care

  • Thoroughly clean your fistula before each dialysis session.

  • Touch your fistula every day to feel the rhythm of your blood flow. Contact your doctor if you notice any changes in the flow, as this could signal a clot.

  • Check your access point every day for signs of infection. These can include swelling, tenderness, or redness. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor.

  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing or accessories on your fistula arm.

  • Use your fistula exclusively as an access point for dialysis. If other health care providers need to draw blood or administer an injection, instruct them to use your other arm.